Joint ENTSOs workshop on 2 June: Let’s develop together the future TYNDPs 2018 scenarios


Joint ENTSOs workshop on 2 June and 5 July: Let’s develop together the future TYNDPs 2018 scenarios


The ENTSO for gas and electricity invited all the interested gas and electricity stakeholders to participate in ENTSOs joint Public workshop on scenarios for the TYNDPs 2018. Using a similar approach ENTSOs, with the support from the European Commission, hold on 5 July a workshop dedicated to the Member States and the National Regulatory Authorities.

The development of scenarios represents the first step of the European TYNDPs for electricity and gas. Scenarios offer the frame under which the future is analysed in view of identifying the investment needs and benefits of future electricity and gas projects. In this sense ENTSOs have organized 2 events, at one month apart from each other, where all the participants have been asked to develop 2030 scenarios and give their opinion on ENTSOs proposed scenarios for 2040: one for European stakeholders, the other one dedicated to the Member States and NRAs.

Why was the event necessary

ENTSO for gas and electricity are preparing the ground for the future TYNDPs 2018. Now is the point in time where the blank page of scenarios is written. After September ENTSOs will work on the scenario development and data collection until Spring 2017 when ENTSOs will share with the stakeholders the results and ask for further guidance and feedback.

Outcomes of the workshop - now available

As one can see from the agenda the workshop was, except 1h presentation, very interactive. ENTSOs  have received very valuable feedback from more than 50 stakeholders who participated to the event on 2 June. Using a similar approach ENTSOs, with the support from the European Commission, hold on 5 July a workshop dedicated to the Member States and the National Regulatory Authorities.

Although the two events were similar in nature and content, comparing the inputs received from the stakeholders and the MSs/NRAs one can easily notice the shift in approach which moves from a more daring approach (pushed by the European stakeholders) to a more conservative one (covering more a national perspective).

All the presented material and the outcomes can be downloaded from below: material and outcomes

Related events

-       Events to come:

  • first part of  October( final date to be later announced) -  Public Workshop on the TYNDP 2018 scenarios
    •  stakeholders direct input on the scenarios assumptions (e.g. what it means high economic growth - %?) – for this ENTSOs will send a template in advance so that participate can discuss/collect the information internally.
    • what scenarios we have chosen,
    • what methodology we will use,
    • what to expect next
  •  other events may be organized – webinars  - all the stakeholders will be informed in due time.

Past events

o   Between 12 May and 12 June ENTSOs hold a web-based public consultation on the scenarios for the gas and electricity TYNDPs 2018.


Related links:

Electricity TYNDP website

Gas TYNDP website


ENTSO-E premises
100 Avenue Cortenberg

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