9th TYNDP/CBA Workshop

Dear Sir or Madam,

In the view of the release of the adapted Cost-Benefit Analysis Methodology for the selection of Projects of Common Interests (under Regulation (EC) 347/2013) planned for Summer 2014, ENTSOG organised its 9th TYNDP/CBA Workshop in Vienna on 26 June (10:30 am to 5 pm). The event will focus on the adaptation of the methodology published by ENTSOG in November 2013 on the basis of ACER, Commission and Member States opinions and stakeholders feedback. It will also provide the opportunity to launch the collection process of infrastructure projects to be included in TYNDP 2015 and to present the Gas Regional Investment Plans published shortly prior to this event. 

Detailed agenda is now available in the Agenda Area.

Please take note that the event will not be webcasted live.

We kindly ask you to confirm your participation through the Registration Area. 
The deadline for registration is 5 pm (CET) on 12 June 2014.

The event will take place at the Le Méridien Hotel in Vienna, full details can be found in the Venue area.

We would like to thank you in advance for your attendance in the event.

Yours sincerely,


Vittorio Musazzi                                                                            Olivier Lebois

Le Méridien Wien

Opernring 13 · Vienna 1010



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