The deliverables and activities outlined here reflect ENTSOG obligations under Regulations (EU) 2024/1789, (EU) 2017/1938 (Security of Supply), (EU) 2022/869 (TEN-E) and EU 2015/703 (Interoperability & Data Exchange Network Code) and relate to scenario development, investment planning and infrastructure assessment for the EU energy system.
One of ENTSOG’s main deliverables are short and medium to long-term assessments such as the Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP), the Union-wide network development plan. In addition, the ENTSOG maps show commitment to transparency and to providing stakeholders with easily accessible and high added value information. All these deliverables aim at developing a vision of the Integrated European energy market and in particular its infrastructure component. This vision is of particular importance in view of completing the pillars of the European Energy Policy in the perspective of achieving the European energy and climate targets and European commitments to the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal.
For further information please contact:
Kacper Żeromski
Deputy Director, System Development
The TYNDP development process is a three-year process, with scenario development taking two years, and the infrastructure and project assessment taking an additional year. This process is actually the entry point to two parallel subsequent processes, to which ENTSOG provides its support: the development of the GRIPs and the PCI selection process. The TYNDP report identifies the infrastructure gap, namely the priority areas lacking market integration, security of supply, competition or sustainability. The report also assesses where and to which extent the level of development of gas infrastructure could improve the infrastructure-related market integration, security of supply, competition and sustainability.
Scenario building is the very first step in developing TYNDP. Following work in 2016 on a consistent and interlinked model, ENTSOG and ENTSO-E joined efforts to develop a common set of scenarios, building on their combined expertise and modelling capabilities as well as on the input received from dozens of stakeholders from the industry, NGOs, National Regulatory Authorities and Member States. The joint scenarios outline different possible paths towards a low-carbon energy system in line with EU targets.
In line with Regulation (EU) 347/2013, the ENTSOs submitted the draft version of their consistent and interlinked electricity and gas network and market model (the Interlinked Model) to the Commission and ACER on 21 December 2016. Starting with TYNDPs 2018, the gas and electricity ENTSOs implemented their joint scenario building process defined in the draft Interlinked Model and continue this approach with subsequent TYNDP editions.
ENTSOG supports project promoters applying for the PCI label through the handling of Project-Specific cost-benefit analysis (PS-CBA) as part of TYNDP process. According to Regulation (EU) 2022/869 (TEN-E Regulation), ENTSOG has the task to develop a CBA methodology for Energy System wide analysis to support the PCI selection process. The purpose of this Regulation is to facilitate investment in the energy infrastructure, including hydrogen infrastructure, in order to achieve the Union’s energy and climate policy objectives.
Since its creation ENTSOG has developed different maps, on a voluntary basis. These maps are welcomed by institutions and stakeholders as a highly useful overview. Every year ENTSOG and GIE publish the System Capacity Map (now a combined version of the System Development and Transmission Capacity Maps). The TYNDP Map with all the projects included in TYNDP is published on a bi-annual basis
ENTSOG supports the European TSOs to publish Gas Regional Investment Plans (GRIPs) on a biennial basis and publishes the GRIPs on its website.
A dedicated website on which the TSOs GRIPs are presented is available at