Security of Supply Simulation

After the gas crises of 2006 and 2009, the EU reinforced its security of gas supply notably by adopting the first security of gas supply Regulation No 994/2010 in 2010. On 28th October 2017 revised Regulation No. (EU) 2017/1938 concerning measures to safeguard the security of gas supply and repealing Regulation (EU) No 994/2010 entered into force which aims at preventing gas supply crises and appropriate actions from all relevant stakeholders (gas undertakings; relevant organisations representing the interests of households; relevant organisations representing the interests of industrial gas customers, including electricity producers; national regulatory authorities).

The new rules ensure a regionally coordinated and common approach when choosing the security of supply measures among EU Member States. This will lead to better coordination in preparation and management of gas shortages in a crisis situation especially with regional coordination approach.

The Regulation introduces for the first time, the solidarity principle. Member States will have to help their neighbours in the event of a serious gas supply crisis in order to avoid any possibility of disruption for the European households. Securing energy supplies to the European consumers is one of the cornerstones of the Energy Union and a key priority of the European Commission.

The regulation also defines the role of ENTSOG in ensuring the security of gas supply. In particular ENTSOG shall carry out union-wide simulation of gas supply and is responsible for preparing the infrastructure disruption scenarios. 

For further information please contact:


Kacper Zeromski - Deputy Director, System Development