Gas and Electricity TSOs are in a unique position to provide quantitative European focused scenarios on the impact of the energy transition on the European Electricity and Gas infrastructure needs and challenges for the long-term horizons.
The scenarios represent the first step in any network development exercise. They offer the frame under which the future is analysed in view of identifying the investment needs and benefits of future electricity and gas projects. They provide a view on many elements e.g. energy demand, prices, technology developments, etc.
Regulation (EU) 2022/869 requires ENTSO-E and ENTSOG jointly develop scenarios for the future European energy system in the context of their respective Ten-Year Network Development Plans (TYNDPs). Joint scenarios are a key step towards an interlinked approach to energy system analysis. Joint scenarios allow ENTSO-E and ENTSOG to undertake infrastructure analysis from a common and consistent set of assumptions and data. The processes aim to continually improve the overall quality, level of detail and transparency. The team works to adapt ENTSO-E/ENTSOG Consistent and Interlinked Model for TYNDPs.
For further information, please contact:
Alexander Kättlitz - Subject Manager, Scenarios