Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/703 established a network code on interoperability and data exchange rules in 2015.
An appropriate degree of harmonisation in technical, operational and communication areas is key to overcome potential barriers to the free flow of gas in the Union, thus hampering market integration. The network code on interoperability and data exchange rules (INT NC) enables the necessary harmonisation of interconnection agreements, gas quality management and common data exchange solutions, therefore leading to effective market integration. For that purpose and for facilitating cooperation between adjacent transmission system operators, ENTSOG provides assistance for the harmonised implementation of the INT NC and develops common network operation tools (CNOTs) for normal and emergency conditions.
For further information please contact:
Panagiotis Panousos - Director, System Operation
ENTSOG works on the development, support and maintenance of common network operation tools (CNOTs) for data exchange.
For further information please contact :
David Gil- Subject Manager, Interoperability & Data Exchange