ENTSO-E and ENTSOG joint workshop on interlinkage between gas and electricity scenarios and infrastructure projects assessment

Dear stakeholders,

ENTSO-E and ENTSOG have combined their TYNDP processes for first time by applying ENTSOs draft consistent and interlinked electricity and gas model in their scenario development for TYNDP 2018, based on Regulation (EU) 347/20131 and discussions with EC and ACER.

On the basis of work already undertaken, ENTSO-E and ENTSOG are investigating further the interlinkage between gas and electricity scenarios and infrastructure project assessment by launching a joint focus study, investigating:

  • all possible interactions between the gas and electricity sectors (including on the end-user side, or interactions related to electricity and gas prices)
  • relevant gas and electricity infrastructure interactions

The ENTSOs will host a workshop on 17 May as a preliminary step, so that stakeholders can express views and ideas on the relevant interactions between both energy systems, and on gas and electricity projects interactions.

The workshops agenda is available in the Agenda section

Workshop Registration:

To participate in this workshop, please register through the Registration Area, no later than 14 May by indicating your full name, contact details and organisation.

DATE: 17 May 2018
LOCATION: ENTSOG Office, Avenue de Cortenbergh 100, 1000 Brussels.

For any further information on registration, please contact Mirsada Spaho (Mirsada.Spaho@entsog.eu).

ENTSO-E and ENTSOG teams

Avenue de Cortenbergh 100
1000 Brussels

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