Dear Sir or Madam,
ENTSOG and the Energy Community will host the 11th workshop on Transparency on the 6 December 2017.
The event will be held at the Energy Community’s premises in Vienna: Am Hof 4, Level 5, 1010 Vienna, Austria.
The workshop will provide an update on the delivered and planned developments on ENTSOG’s TP, input from stakeholders including ACER on the usage of the TP data and a demonstration of the newly updated Tariff section. The Energy Community will also provide an update on the Contracting Parties’ plans regarding transparency.
A more detailed agenda is now available in the Agenda section.
We kindly ask you to confirm your participation through the Registration Area. The deadline for registration is 2 December 2017.
- A Webex screen sharing and audio link will be made available prior to the start of the event -
For any questions regarding logistics, please contact Anna Keri (
Yours Sincerely,
Jan Ingwersen Hendrik Pollex
Energy Community’s premises
Am Hof 4, Level 5, 1010 Vienna, Austria.