ENTSOG 8th Transparency Workshop

Dear Sir or Madam,

The European Network of Transmission System Operators is organizing its 8th Transparency Workshop on 11th December 2014 at ENTSOE office in Brussels, Avenue de Corthenberg 100, Ground Floor.

ENTSOG has launched the New Transparency Platform aiming at improving the transparency, user-friendliness and data publication capabilities in line with the requirements of Transparency Guidelines. ENTSOG is observing the development of REGULATION (EU) No 1227/2011 (REMIT) on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency in order to understand the new obligation for TSOs and the elaboration of the Tariff Network Code and its Transparency Requirements.

ENTSOG hereby invites all stakeholders to participate in the workshop on 11th  December 2014 and to provide ENTSOG with feedback and suggestions.

Please register by 4th December through the Registration Area. Please take note that the event will not be webcasted live.
Detailed agenda soon will be  available in the Agenda Area.

We would like to thank you in advance for your attendance in the event.

In case you have any further question please contact Davide Volzone: Davide.Volzone@entsog.eu.


Vittorio Musazzi                                                                                              Panagiotis Panousos

ENTSO-E Office in Brussels
Avenue de Cortenbergh 100
Ground Floor


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