ENTSOG and EASEE-gas joint workshop on Data Communication Harmonisation for Gas Transmission

Dear Sir or Madam,

The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG) is pleased to invite you to the Joint Workshop organised by ENTSOG together with EASEE-gas on the topic “Data Communication Harmonisation for Gas Transmission” in Brussels on 4th October 2018 from 10:30 until 16:30.

The Workshop will take place at Hotel “Thon EU - Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 75, B-1040 Brussels.

The workshop will cover the topic of the Common Data Exchange Solutions including updates made this year to the AS4 Usage Profile documentation. It will introduce the Integrated Data Exchange Usage Profile.

CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) will present the latest updates on the AS4 conformance testing platform and the possibility for new implementors to test their AS4 product and also apply for funds regarding these projects.

EASEE-Gas will present on the changes made during the year on the Edig@s message format, elaborate on the proposals for the new version of Edig@s Version 6 and present an update of the project EASEE-Connect.

Who should attend :
This workshop is aimed at people involved in the daily operations of gas transmission systems, ICT architects and gas transmission capacity platform operators. 

Registration :
We kindly ask you to confirm your participation through the Registration AreaThe deadline for registration is 1 October 2018. Registration will be closed if the maximum capacity of the venue is reached.

Agenda is available in Agenda Area.

Date: 4th October 2018, 10:30 to 16:30
Location:  Hotel Thon EU, Brussels

For any questions regarding logistics, please contact Mirsada Spaho (Mirsada.Spaho@entsog.eu).


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