ENTSOG EU Data Communication Harmonisation for Gas Transmission Workshop

Dear Sir or Madam,

The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG) is pleased to invite you to the ENTSOG EU Data Communication Harmonisation for Gas Transmission Workshop. The workshop will take place at the ENTSOG premises at Avenue Cortenbergh 100, 1000 Brussels on May 16th 2017 from 10:30 hrs till 16:30 hrs.

Workshop theme

The workshop will cover the topic of the Common Data Exchange Solutions including updates made this year to the AS4 Usage Profile documentation, will introduce the Interactive and Integrated Data Exchange Usage Profiles and will include stakeholder and members’ presentations. All corresponding documents can be found here.

During the workshop, stakeholders will have the opportunity to participate actively, express their views and raise questions. 

After the workshop, a public consultation will take place from 17th May 2107 until 14th June 2017 on the Data Exchange Usage Profiles.

We look forward to seeing you and anticipate a fruitful discussion. ENTSOG remains at your disposal for any queries you might have.

The workshop agenda is available in the Agenda Area. 

In case you have any questions please contact Jackie Manning Jackie.Manning@entsog.eu or Jef de Keyser Jef.DeKeyser@entsog.eu.  

Who should attend

This workshop is especially for people involved in the daily operations of gas transmission systems, ICT architects and gas transmission capacity platform operators.  


In order to indicate your participation to the workshop please fill in the registration form in the Registration area. The deadline for registration is 5pm (CET) on Thursday 11th of May 2017.

For any questions regarding registrations and logistics please contact Mirsada Spahomirsada.spaho@entsog.eu  


Yours sincerely,                                                      


Jan Ingwersen                                                                                                Hendrik Pollex 

ENTSOG Office, Av. de Cortenbergh, 100 - 1000 Brussels


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