ENTSOG Workshop on Network Code Implementation and Development of Gas Legislation

Dear Stakeholder,

ENTSOG would like to invite you to a workshop focusing on the ongoing implementation and development of EU gas legislation. This workshop will take place in Brussels on 19 September and will be held at the ENTSOE offices, 100 Avenue de Cortenbergh, between 10:30 and 16:30 (registration at 10:00).

The main focus of the workshop will be:

  • Current status of implementation of the Network Codes and Guidelines
  • Update on ENTSOG’s work on the General Terms and Conditions (GT&Cs) for capacity contracts
  • Update on FUNC issues
  • Future energy market developments

ACER will also be presenting at this event on the topics of Network Code Monitoring and GT&Cs. The ENTSOG presentations can be viewed when available after noon on 14 September in the Downloads section.

The event will be held in Brussels at the ENTSOE offices, 100 Avenue de Cortenbergh, between 10:30 and 16:30.

The draft agenda for the workshop is available in the Agenda section.

We kindly ask you to confirm your participation through the Registration Area. The deadline for the registration is Tuesday 18 September 2018. Registration will be closed once the maximum capacity of the room (80 persons) is reached.

If you want to participate via Skype please contact Alexandra Kiss (Alexandra.Kiss@entsog.eu) for details.


Malcolm Arthur,

Business Area Manager
for Market




ENTSOE (ground floor) - Avenue de Cortenbergh 100, 1000 Brussels

Please contact Alexandra Kiss ( Alexandra.Kiss@entsog.eu ) for the skype log in details.

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