ENTSOG Workshop on the Supply Potentials and Renewable Gases for TYNDP 2018

Dear Sir or Madam,

On 2nd October ENTSOG and ENTSO-E published their TYNDP 2018 Draft Scenario Report for consultation. ENTSOG is pleased to invite you to a dedicated workshop on the Gas Supply Potentials for TYNDP 2018 in Brussels on 7 December, 2017, aimed at complementing the feedback received during the consultation.

This workshop will be focused on the presentation of the TYNDP 2018 Potentials for conventional Gas Supplies and Renewable Gases first shared with stakeholders as part of the Draft Scenario Report, getting the views of key industry participants and obtaining stakeholders’ input through discussion on all topics presented.

A section of the workshop will be dedicated also to the TYNDP 2018 Gas Quality Outlook.

Venue : ENTSOG Office, Av. de Cortenbergh, 100 - 1000 Brussels.

A detailed agenda is available in the Agenda Area.

We kindly ask you to confirm your participation through the Registration Area

For any questions regarding logistics, please contact Mirsada Spaho (Mirsada.Spaho@entsog.eu).

Yours Sincerely,


Jan Ingwersen                                                                  Celine Heidrecheid

Avenue de Cortenbergh, 100
1000 Brussels

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