ENTSOs Investigation on the interlinkage between gas and electricity scenarios and infrastructure projects assessment

Dear stakeholders,

ENTSO-E and ENTSOG (the ENTSOs) are facilitating stakeholder involvement in the focus study on interlinkage between gas and electricity scenarios and infrastructure projects assessment by means of a prime movers group.

The prime movers group was established after the ENTSOs gave consideration to the feedback received during the kick off workshop held on 17 May. The creation of this prime movers group will give the involved stakeholders the opportunity to follow the study closely and allow the ENTSOs to benefit from their feedback while complying with the challenging timeline of the study.

Members of the prime movers group will be provided with the material summarising the outcomes of each deliverable and invited to discuss them and provide their feedback at a webinar organised 4 days after the delivery of the material.

The full schedule of the study including dates of the webinars is available in download area.



Members of the prime movers group will be provided with the material summarising the outcomes of each deliverable and invited to discuss them and provide their feedback at a webinar organised 4 days after the delivery of the material.

Primer movers study group will take place in June, July, September and October 2018.

Registration Closed