Invitation to the Joint ACER/ENTSOG Webinar on FUNC issue solution: capacity booking issue for network users on timing and comparability of daily auctions

Invitation to the Joint ACER/ENTSOG  Webinar on FUNC issue solution: capacity booking issue for network users on timing and comparability of daily auctions.

Webinar date: 13 December 2018, 14:00 – 16:00

On 21 March 2018 Gazprom Marketing and Trading posted an issue on the FUNC platform regarding the following capacity bookings issue - in case of technical failures during the daily auction process, the short time-window does not always allow for issues to be solved by the end of the auction window on the booking platform (PRISMA, GSA and RBP) (Click here for more details).

As part of the joint FUNC process, ENTSOG and ACER have been working together with concerned parties to find a solution to the reported issue.

At the Webinar, we would like to present participants with the developed issue solution. Please see below the proposed agenda:

  • Introduction (ACER and ENTSOG)
  • Issue presentation by Gazprom Marketing and Trading (Jan Niklas Gibbert)
  • Issue solution description (ENTSOG)
    • Fallback process examples
      • Thyssengas GmbH
      • Gas Connect Austria
  • Q&A session            

We kindly ask you to confirm your participation to the Webinar through the Registration Area by 7 December, 2018.

The login details for the Webinar are available in the Webcast area.

If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact

Best regards,

The ENTSOG Market Team


  • Introduction (ACER and ENTSOG)
  • Issue presentation by Gazprom Marketing and Trading (Jan Niklas Gibbert)
  • Issue solution description (ENTSOG)
    • Fallback process examples
      • Thyssengas GmbH
      • Gas Connect Austria
  • Q&A session  

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