The ENTSOs for gas and electricity are pleased to invite all interested gas and electricity stakeholders to participate in the joint public workshop on scenarios at which the joint scenarios up to 2040 will be presented and the role and purpose of such exercises will be debated.
The ENTSOs for gas and electricity have for the first time combined their efforts and expertise to develop scenarios. The development of scenarios represents the first step of the European Ten-Year Network Development Plans (TYNDP) for electricity and gas. Scenarios offer the framework by which the future is analysed in the context of identifying the investment needs and benefits of future electricity and gas projects.
The morning session of the workshop will outline the outcome of this joint scenario development process. In the afternoon the participants will join an open panel discussion involving European Commission, ACER, E3G and both ENTSOs during which time the role of scenarios in infrastructure development will be debated.
For the TYNDP 2018 ENTSOs, in collaboration with the stakeholders, have developed a set of scenarios going from 2020 to 2040. The long-term vision is captured through three storylines:
- Sustainable Transition - where targets are reached through national regulation, emission trading schemes and subsidies, maximising the use of existing infrastructure.
- Distributed Generation – where prosumers are at the centre – small scale generation, batteries and fuel switching - society engaged and empowered.
- Global Climate Action – where we have the full speed global decarbonisation, large scale renewables development in both electricity and gas sectors.
Additionally, the Scenario set also includes a scenario based on European Commission’s EUCO30 policy scenario.
This workshop forms part of the public consultation process, which will start with the release of the Scenario report, in early October.
Yours sincerely,
Jan Ingwersen Céline Heidrecheid
Hilton Brussels Grand Place, Carrefour de l'Europe 3, 1000 Bruxelles
Map & Directions to the Hilton Brussels
How to register?
Interested participants are invited to register by 4 October using the following link.