Presentation of TYNDP 2017

Dear Sir and Madam,

ENTSOG is pleased to invite you to the presentation of its TYNDP 2017 on 23 January 2017 (13.30 – 17.00).

The event will take place at the ENTSOG premises at Avenue Cortenbergh 100, 1000 Brussels. 

On 20 December ENTSOG published its TYNDP 2017 package, available at this link, which has already triggered a number of reactions.

If you want to learn more about what the current gas infrastructure already achieves, how ENTSOG developed TYNDP 2017 in line with the EU 2030 energy and climate targets, which are the specific areas of Europe where investment gaps remain and how projects submitted to TYNDP mitigate these gaps, join us and interact with us on 23 January 2017.

  • Do you know that TYNDP is a regulatory bi-annual exercise under the Third Package, developed in close cooperation with relevant EU institutions and with continuous involvement of stakeholders?
  • Do you know that ENTSOG organised more than 10 stakeholder events over 2016 to ensure their involvement throughout the TYNDP development process? A large panel of stakeholders took part: NRAS, network users, NGOs, promoters, ENTSO-E, green gases associations…
  • Do you know that more than 20% of EU energy consumption is supplied by gas? TYNDP role is to inform stakeholders, decision and policy-makers whether the gas infrastructure is fit to ensure secure, competitive and sustainable gas supply to all EU citizens.
  • Do you have in mind what is the level of development of the gas infrastructure in different parts of Europe? TYNDP looks in details into each of the areas, to see if and where more infrastructure would be needed to ensure security of supply and support market development.
  • Do you know that TYNDP looks 20 years ahead? Assessing the gas infrastructure requires to frame the future uncertainties: ENTSOG developed 4 scenarios. These scenarios are not forecasts and not one is considered more probable than the others. They set the necessary frame to consider the possible future evolutions – to ensure that the gas infrastructure is robust to all of these developments.
  • Do you know that TYNDP scenarios provide detailed country-level information, that they are developed consistently with ENTSO-E TYNDP scenarios and that they are in line with European Commission and IEA EU-level scenarios? 
  • Do you know that gas represents a low-carbon complement to renewables, a climate-friendly alternative to coal, lignite and oil, and can be supplied from renewable sources – and that it is available in most parts of Europe via the existing infrastructure?

All of these topics and more will be covered in our TYNDP Presentation on 23 January.

For further questions please contact James Gudge at

If you want to attend the meeting in person, please fill in the registration form in the Registration area. The deadline for the registration is 20 January 2017. 

This event will be webcasted. In order to follow this live, please register via Webcast Area.

For any questions regarding registrations and logistics please contact Mirsada Spaho:

We are looking forward to your participation. 

Don’t miss the opportunity to provide your feedback on TYNDP also through the online public consultation, which is open until 3 February 2017.

Don’t miss the opportunity to provide your feedback on TYNDP also through the online public consultation, 


Yours sincerely,


Jan Ingwersen                                                                       Celine Heidrecheid

Agenda will be soon available. 

ENTSOG Office, Av. de Cortenbergh, 100 - 1000 Brussels


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