Refinement Workshop for Incremental and New Capacity (INC Proposal)

Dear Sir or Madam,

The consultation on the initial draft Proposal for Incremental and New Capacity (INC Proposal) ended on 30 July 2014. To present the results from the consultation, ENTSOG (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas) organises a Refinement Workshop and is pleased to invite you to participate in this event which will take place in Brussels on Tuesday 23 September 2014 from 10:00 - 13:00 at the ENTSOG offices. After the workshop ENTSOG will provide a light lunch.

Please note that the timing (10:00 -13:00) is different than usual. This is done to enable a combination with attending the afternoon ACER/CEER presentation of the Conclusions Paper “Energy Regulation: A Bridge to 2025”.

Further details about the location can be found in the Venue area.

A provisional agenda is available in the Agenda area.

To register for the meeting, please fill in the registration form in the Registration Area by 5pm (CET) on Friday 19 September 2014.

If you are unable to join the event in-person, the Refinement Workshop will be webcasted live.

To register for the live webcast, please fill in the registration form in the Webcast Area by 5pm (CET) on Friday 19 September 2014.

The Draft Incremental Proposal - For Public Consultation  including other relevant materials regarding the consultation can be consulted here.

To consult the material from previous SJWSs and other relevant background documents, please go to the Incremental Capacity site here.

We are looking forward to your active participation at the Refinement Workshop.

Yours sincerely,

Vittorio Musazzi                                                                   Jan Ingwersen

ENTSOG Office (Second Floor)

Avenue de Cortenbergh 100

Brussels 1000



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