The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG) invites Project Promoters to participate in the Webinar on Preliminary TYNDP 2017 Low Infrastructure Level results on 18 October from 10:00 to 12:30.
TYNDP 2017 will be released in December 2016. Yet, to support the process of selecting Projects of Common Interest (PCI) driven by the European Commission in the most timely and efficient way, ENTSOG has endeavoured to present the preliminary TYNDP Low Infrastructure Level results to Regional Groups at the end of October. The webinar intends to inform project promoters about these results ahead of these meetings.
When and for whom it is intended?
The Webinar will take place on 18 October, from 10:00 to 12:30. It is intended for project promoters.
The Webinar aims at informing project promoters on the preliminary TYNDP Low Infrastructure Level results and subsequent identification of problems and investment gap ahead of the next Regional Group meetings, to allow them to express their views to ENTSOG on the identified problems. In line with Reg. 715, the TYNDP Low Infrastructure Level identifies the investment gap at Union-wide level by assessing the situation in the case that only the projects having taken their final investment decision would be implemented.
In the kick-off meeting of the 3rd PCI selection process on 22 September, the European Commission highlighted that these TYNDP Low Infrastructure Level results have a key role to play in the 1st phase of the process. This 1st phase consists of the identification of problems and infrastructure needs at regional level and is expected to be completed by the end of November 2016.
To support the PCI process in the most timely and efficient way ENTSOG has, for the first time, endeavoured to release preliminary TYNDP results ahead of the TYNDP publication (December 2016).
To allow for an exchange of views, the Webinar will offer full functionality to participants (listen & talk).
Although all promoters are invited to participate in the Webinar, ENTSOG kindly ask you to register in the “Registration Section” by 13 October cob. Once registered you will receive all the Webinar connection details.
In view of the expected high number of participants, promoters are requested to limit their participation in the Webinar to one representative per company, to allow for the participative mode to operate.
Please bear in mind that as part of the 1st phase of the PCI selection process, the Webinar will focus on the identification of problems and will not touch on projects.
The issuing of preliminary TYNDP results as early as mid-October requires ENTSOG to work under strong time constraints. As a consequence, ENTSOG will be able to provide supporting material only 1-2 days before the Webinar. This will be made available in the “Download Section”.
If you have any questions, please contact Stefano Astorri:
Related information
> The European Commission presented on 22 September the overall 3rd PCI selection process, which will be split in 2 phases (more information on EC website at
> Projects promoters can also refer to the TYNDP 2015 Low Infrastructure Level results on ENTSOG website: here
We are looking forward to your participation in the Webinar.
Yours Sincerely,
Jan Ingwersen Celine Heidrecheid
TYNDP 2017 will be released in December 2016. Yet, to support the process of selecting Projects of Common Interest (PCI) driven by the European Commission in the most timely and efficient way, ENTSOG has endeavoured to present the preliminary TYNDP Low Infrastructure Level results to Regional Groups at the end of October. The webinar intends to inform project promoters about these results ahead of these meetings.
The Webinar will take place on 18 October, from 10:00 to 12:30. It is intended for project promoters.