TYNDP 2018 & 2nd CBA methodology working session: ENTSOG consult stakeholders on modelling and market related assumptions

Dear Stakeholder,

ENTSOG is pleased to invite you to the TYNDP 2018 stakeholders joint working session on modelling assumptions.

ENTSOG need your views and feedback for an ever better TYNDP that will include project-specific Cost-Benefit Analyses!

TYNDP 2018 is on its way and the draft report including the identification of infrastructure needs is planned to be released shortly after summer 2018, to be followed at the beginning of 2019 by the comprehensive TYNDP 2018 report including the project-specific CBAs!

In the framework of TYNDP 2018, ENTSOG will update stakeholders on the upcoming 2nd CBA methodology and consult them on the modelling assumptions, including supplies. As part of the modelling assumptions, ENTSOG will also present new market elements currently under investigation.

The working session will be held in ENTSOG premises in Brussels on 13 February from 10:30.

A detailed agenda is available in the Agenda Area.

We kindly ask you to confirm your participation through the Registration Area

For any questions regarding logistics, please contact Mirsada Spaho (Mirsada.Spaho@entsog.eu).

Yours Sincerely,


Jan Ingwersen                                                                                                 Celine Heidrecheid

2nd floor
Av. de Cortenbergh, 100
1000 Brussels

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