Dear Sir or Madame,
The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG) is pleased to invite Project Promoters to participate in the Webinar on Project Data Collection for TYNDP 2017 on 4 April from 10:00 to 12:30.
The Webinar is intended for Project Promoters which are considering submitting projects to the TYNDP 2017. It will be an information session on the Documentation Kit and the functionality of the Project Data Portal for the TYNDP2017 Project Data Collection Procedure.
Promoters will be able to ask questions only in written form during the session.
Promoters are also welcome to prepare and send questions to:
Mr. Ádám Balogh - Ádá ahead of the Webinar – with subject: Webinar Question
To prepare for the Webinar, you can access the Project Data Portal Documentation Kit on the ENTSOG website.
For participating in the Webinar, a registration is not necessary; please just use the web-conference details provided in the “Registration Section”.
Preliminary Agenda is readily available in the “Agenda Section”.
If you have any questions please contact Ms Mirsada Spaho:
We are looking forward to your participation in the Webinar.
Yours Sincerely,
Jan Ingwersen Celine Heidrecheid
Please find the Agenda attached:
4th April 2016, 10.00 - 12.30
Please find How to Join file attached: