Winter Outlook 2016/17 ENTSOs webinar

Winter Outlook 2016/17 ENTSOs webinar


ENTSOG and ENTSO-E are sharing the results of their winter outlook reports on the gas & electricity systems in Europe for the winter 2016/17 during a webinar on 1 December 2016, 11 AM.

ENTSOG has published its Winter Supply Outlook 2016/17 on 14 October 2016, you can access the full report by clicking on the following link:  Winter Supply Outlook 2016/2017 & Winter Review 2015/2016.

Seasonal outlooks assess infrastructures on the upcoming season, to anticipate potential impacts for market participants. ENTSOG’s main conclusions show that the European gas infrastructure offers sufficient flexibility across the winter season in most parts of Europe. The European gas infrastructure is also capable of supplying Ukraine with significant volumes of gas, although a disruption of the Russian gas transit through this route combined with high demand situations could impact South-East Europe.


The webinar will present the results and allow you to ask ENTSOs' experts additional questions.

To register, please click on the following link: Registration Form 



ENTSOG and ENTSO-E are sharing the results of their winter outlook reports on the gas & electricity systems in Europe for the winter 2016/17 during a webinar on 1 December 2016, 11 AM.

ENTSOG has published its Winter Supply Outlook 2016/17 on 14 October 2016, you can access the full report by clicking on the following link:  Winter Supply Outlook 2016/2017 & Winter Review 2015/2016

The webinar will present the results and allow you to ask ENTSOs' experts additional questions.


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To register, please click on the following link: Registration Form