Gas and electricity ENTSOs workshop on joint TYNDP 2020 Scenarios, Brussels, 5 December

Dear Sir or Madam,

All interested stakeholders are invited to participate at the ENTSOs Public Scenario Workshop, which will take place on 5 December 2019, from 10:00 to 17:30 pm CEST.

Regulation (EU) 347/2013 requires that the ENTSOs use scenarios for their respective Ten-Year Network Development Plans (TYNDPs). On 12 November, ENTSOG and ENTSO-E published their finalised joint Scenario Report for TYNDP 2020. TYNDP 2020 supports the 5th PCI selection process by European Commission.

This workshop will explain the outcome of the work to build the scenarios and the next steps. The scenarios are:

  • ‘National Trends’  - the central policy scenario based on the draft NECPs,
  • 'Global Ambition’ and ‘Distributed Energy’ scenarios – in line with the target of the Paris Agreement.

The workshop will comprise a combination of information presented by the ENTSOs, followed by an opportunity for stakeholders to pose any questions to the Scenario Building team.

The agenda and further information will be provided soon !

Date and Venue:

5 December 2019

Hotel Metropole, place de Brouckère 31,

1000 Brussels - Room Ambassadeur


To access this workshopplease use this link.

In case you wish to arrive the evening before please find here the hotel booking form.

For any further information on accessing the weblink, please contact Anna Keri (

Agenda is available here.

Stakeholders can participate via GoToMeeting (Webco).