Joint workshop between the Energy Community and ENTSOG on the developments on interoperability topics and introduction to transparency requirements

Dear Sir or Madam,

We would like to invite you to a joint workshop between the Energy Community and ENTSOG on the developments on interoperability topics and introduction to transparency requirements, which takes place at the Energy Community Secretariat premises in Vienna on 19 October 2016 starting at 10:30.

The TSOs in the Contracting Parties to the Energy Community have committed to the Transparency requirements in line with Regulation (EC) 715/2009. Part of these requirements mean publishing specific information on ENTSOG Transparency Platform for TSOs' relevant points, as defined in the regulation, and thus the Energy Community TSOs might join the Transparency Platform soon.

During this workshop ENTSOG’s Transparency Team will demonstrate the requirements and possibilities for publication of the relevant data on ENTSOG’s Transparency Platform. The session will be interactive, giving the participants the chance to discuss the topic with the ENTSOG team.

In parallel, the Energy Community is also working on the adoption of network codes. Progress on the Interoperability network code will be presented and discussed at the meeting together with latest developments on ENTSOG side, in particular: the specification of common data exchange solutions and the process to analyse a possible amendment to the network code in connection to CEN gas quality standard EN 16726.

Detailed agenda is available in the Agenda Area. We kindly ask you to confirm your participation through the Registration Area or the Energy Community Events Area. The deadline for registration is 14 October 2016.

For any operational, content-wide questions, please feel free to contact Jef DeKeyser (; +32 2 894 51 32), Karolina Cegir (; +43 1 535 2222 18).

For any question in regards to registration please contact Mirsada Spaho ( or (

We are looking forward to your attendance in the event.

Yours sincerely,


Jan Ingwersen                                                                          Hendrik Pollex

Energy Community Secretariat
Am Hof 4, Level 5
1010 Vienna

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