Jan Ingwersen was ENTSOGs General Manager from January 2016 until December 2021. He was with ENTSOG since January 2014, starting in the position as Business Area Manager for Market. Jan was seconded from Energinet in Denmark.
Jan has more than 25 years of experience in the gas industry, holding senior positions at Energinet, Gastra, DONG Energy as well as consultancies. He holds a technical MSc from University of Aalborg, Denmark, supplemented with a commercial degree from Copenhagen Business School and an executive programme from IMD, Switzerland.
Jan has been involved in most parts of the gas sector value chain. He was heading the implementation of the gas market liberalization in Denmark for Energinet/Gastra (2000-2005) – including development of network codes. He has been heading DONG Energy’s storage and offshore transmission activities (2006-2013), the gas regulatory affairs department and was responsible for DONG Energy’s gas release programme. In 1990s he was in charge of DONG’s gas purchase & export activities as well as the system operation.