Regulation & business model

Innovation brings new opportunities to invest and creates new opportunities for new business models. However, without effective and efficient regulatory framework it is difficult to invest into new technologies. In the past, regulation of gas networks was mainly meant to foster competition and improve efficiency. Currently, it is generally believed that regulation can also facilitate the process of decarbonisation.  ENTSOG Members (TSOs) engage in development of the new energy products and services to foster uptake of renewable and decarbonized gases into the grid. These regulatory efforts and business models you can find below in a list of projects

Amber Grid

Green gas Guarantees of Origin

The development of green gas market brings Lithuania closer to the task of reducing climate change impacts and becoming the country of green energy.  Amber Grid from 1 June 2019 administers the National Register of GOs of gas produced from RES, in other words, performs the functions of issue, transfer and cancel of Guarantees of Origin (GO), and supervises and controls the use of GOs as well as provides the recognition of imported GOs.


Gas Connect Austria GmbH, NET4GAS

Trading Region Upgrade Service

Simplified booking. As of 01 October 2018, 06:00 CE(S)T, TRU entitles network users, who have succeeded in the TRU auction, to send an exit nomination from the Austrian Market Area East which is immediately matched with entry into the Czech market area, and vice versa. 


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