10th TYNDP/CBA Workshop in Athens on 19-20 May

Dear Sir or Madam,

As a follow-up of the publication of the TYNDP 2015, ENTSOG organised its 10th TYNDP/CBA Workshop in Athens on 19-20 May. The event will focus on the presentation of the report and especially the scenarios and assessment results. It will also cover the role of the report in the support to the selection of Projects of Common Interest. In parallel to the ongoing public consultation on TYNDP, this event aims to build a bridge between the 2015 and 2017 edition. We are looking for your participation and your feedback on TYNDP and CBA methodology.

Detailed agenda is now available in the Agenda Area.

Please take note that the event will not be webcasted live.

We kindly ask you to confirm your participation through the Registration Area. The deadline for registration is 5 pm (CET) on 11 May 2015.

The hotel in which the event will take place is available in the Venue Area.

As an accompanying programme, DESFA is offering to the delegates of the TYNDP workshop a guided visit of the Acropolis site on 19 May from 18.00 to 20.00.

We invite the delegates to confirm their participation so that we may have an indication of the number of guides needed.
Please send your confirmation to: mirsada.spaho@entsog.eu

We would like to thank you in advance for your attendance in the event.



Vittorio Musazzi                                                                              Olivier Lebois








10th TYNDP WS , 19-20 May 2015

19-25 Parthenonos Str.
117 42 Athens


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