In view of achieving 2050 net-zero emissions by 2050, there is a need to decarbonise the heating and cooling sectors in Europe Heating and cooling in buildings and industry accounts for half of the EU’s energy consumption, natural gas being the largest primary energy source (46%). Cutting the energy consumption in heating and cooling in buildings and industry can be achieved through various technologies. TSOs are working on developing cost-efficient solutions for the decarbonisation of this sector.
The project aims to develop the technology of small gas absorption heat pumps (GAHP) to offer an economically sustainable and easily integrated solution for heating residential buildings. In particular, the project will quantify the energy, environmental and infrastructural benefits deriving from the widespread application of this technology.The main advantages of this technology are the ease of installation, lower operating costs and lower emissions of climate-changing gases. Duration: 01 October 2016 - 04 June 2020
Ervia, the parent company of Gas Networks Ireland, commissioned KPMG to develop and evaluate a number of scenarios for the decarbonisation of the one million Irish residential homes currently connected, or within close proximity, to the existing gas network.