
Partnerships are a great way forward to enable decarbonisation of the gas sector. ENTSOG’s Members  - the gas TSOs -  are engaging in new partnerships and initiatives and are actively working together with various private stakeholders on projects aimed to offer sustainable solutions for the gas sector and of the whole EU economy. The Gas for Climate Initiative is one example of one such partnership group. 

DESFA, Bulgartransgaz, Transgaz, FGSZ, eustream, NET4GAS, OGE

South-East European Hydrogen Corridor

SEEHyC initiative aims to establish a hydrogen interconnector linking high-potential hydrogen supply areas in South-East Europe with expected high-demand clusters in the EU, primarily in South Germany and North Bohemia. Additionally, it will connect local suppliers and consumers along the corridor. The pipeline will span over 3,000 km, enabling the transmission of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen. According to the ongoing pre-feasibility study, the project aims to be operational by 2030, with a minimum transport capacity of up to 80 GWh of hydrogen per day, or approximately 0.8 million tonnes per year.


Energinet, TenneT, Gasunie

North Sea Wind Power Hub

An opportunity for internationally coordinated, large scale, far offshore wind energy from the North Sea. An opportunity which would deliver energy at competitive prices around 2030 and facilitate meeting the Paris agreement. We are committed to explore and develop regional socio-economic beneficial and reliable offshore infrastructure, including possible conversion into P2G, that supports wind farm operations and interconnections between markets. Average daily production of H2 is 30 GWh/d.

Contact: Martin Graversgaard (

eustream, a.s.

Adjustment of existing eus pipeline SK-HU

Adjustment of the line of the transmission system for transmission of 100% H2 between Slovakia and Hungary will create possibility for H2 transmisson in the North -South direction. Project is part of the Slovak Hydrogen Backbone and the SEEHyCorridor inititative. Eustream has been conducting informal market survey. Close discussions with potential H2 producers and offtakers have resulted in conclusion of several Letters of Support or Memorandum of Understanding confirming their support to and interest in the Project implementation.


Snam, TAG, Eustream, NET4GAS, OGE

SunsHyne Corridor

SunsHyne Corridor is a strategic infrastructure initiative that will enable the transport of green hydrogen, mainly via repurposed pipelines, from production areas in North Africa to demand centres in Central Europe. Five leading European gas transmission system operators - Snam, TAG, Eustream, NET4GAS and OGE - are working together to implement till 2030 this important segment of 3400 km length of the European Hydrogen Backbone. The SunsHyne Corridor enables supply to high-demand centres in Central Europe all along the route.


Visit the website (EN)


The Central European Hydrogen Corridor (CEHC)

The Central European Hydrogen Corridor (CEHC) aims to create a hydrogen “highway“ in Central Europe for transporting hydrogen from major hydrogen supply areas in Ukraine to hydrogen demand clusters in Germany. The hydrogen corridor will also enable hydrogen transport between hydrogen production facilities and hydrogen consumers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. With an initial technical capacity of 144 GWh/d, the project aims to transport green hydrogen as of 2030.



Belgian CO2 Transmission Facilities

Fluxys intends to roll out the necessary CO2 transmission infrastructure including pipeline interconnections between clusters and CCUS hub. Development will start with local pipeline networks in different clusters, further extended in function of the need to progressively give access to CO2 transmission infrastructure to all industry that would require it. The carbon clusters and backbone development also foresees possible interconnections with neighbouring systems, interconnection with adjacent networks in Germany, France and The Netherlands.



The Czech German Hydrogen Interconnector (CGHI)

The vision of the Czech German Hydrogen Interconnector (CGHI) initiative is to create a hydrogen interconnector to connect high potential hydrogen supply areas in Northern Germany and Baltics with expected high demand clusters in the EU (predominantly in South Germany and North Bohemia). Additionally, it will also enable connection of local suppliers and consumers along the corridor.


OGE, GRTGaz, SNAM, Terega, Enagas


HyDeal is to enable hydrogen transport from Spain to France and, in a second step, to Germany. It aims for expansion with production in Tunisia and Italy, and transport via Italy.



PYCASSO looks at the potential to provide a mutualised territorial service of CO2 valorisation and storage for at least the 50 years to come. This programme enables the study of how South West France underground reservoirs, which have supplied France with gas for 60 years as well as the industrial basin that were built around this gas facility, can be a decarbonation solution of the industrial activity in the South West of France and the North of Spain.

Gasunie, OGE

ENERGY-HUB Port of Wilhelmshaven

In the ENERGY HUB we are not only dealing with ways of exporting CO2 to partner countries, but also with developing regional material cycles. Here, recycled carbon is a valuable and environmentally friendly alternative to oil, coal and natural gas - in the future also as a fuel and for plastics production.