
The natural gas industry in and around Europe is going through a period of unprecedented change. Investment into R&D pilot and demonstration projects is essential as it creates the opportunity for new and improved technologies, which are vital in enabling the transition to decarbonization of the gas sector. ENTSOG Members (TSOs) are developing new and innovative technologies to offer sustainable solutions for the gas sector. These technologies focus on optimization of the grid usage, creation of digital layer connections and support decarbonization of the EU gas system. Please find specific examples in the list provided below.



Pegasus Project aims to produce 100% renewable methane on an industrial scale through an integrated system of conversion of water to hydrogen through RES powered electrolysis and CO₂ supply from biomethane upgrading processes with subsequent methanation and feeding into SGI transport network with access to all services of the gas system.


Gas Networks Ireland

Feasibility study of CCS in Ireland

Ervia and Gas Networks Ireland are investigating the potential for a large-scale CCS project in Ireland to capture the CO2 from a number of gas-fired CCGT power plants so that they provide low-carbon electricity. Initial findings suggest that CCS may be technically and economically viable for Ireland and over the next few years Ervia will progress feasibility studies into the technology for Ireland. 



Gas Meter Calibration Laboratory (LWG)

The first accredited laboratory in Poland and in this part of Europe to calibrate gas meters with natural gas under operating pressure. The calibration facility is an innovative solution on a world scale offering a possibility to operate both close and open loop, which allows higher pressure drops on the tested gas meters. The LWG has been launched within the scope of GAZ-SYSTEM’s research and development projects with a primarily goal to increase reliability of energy measurement by increasing measurement accuracy of the gas meters within GAZ-SYSTEM as well as on the national and regional level. Apart from calibrations, LWG offers research and development activities in cooperation with outer institutions, producers and universities. 
