Biogas is obtained via the anaerobic decomposition of the organic matter. After the process of upgrading, biogas becomes biomethane with the same quality standard as natural gas and can be transported via the existing grid infrastructure. Biomethane contributes to the decarbonisation of the energy system.
Ervia, the parent company of Gas Networks Ireland, commissioned KPMG to develop and evaluate a number of scenarios for the decarbonisation of the one million Irish residential homes currently connected, or within close proximity, to the existing gas network.
The SCW project in the Netherlands uses supercritical water gasification to convert wet biomass into sustainable energy and reusable raw materials. It is a multi-feedstock technology that can process multiple types of biomass. Additionally, the gas is produced at high pressure negating the high costs of Compression. Gasunie part of the team builduing this project.
Energinet has several projects nessecary for bringing biomethane to the high pressure grid. The technical solutions chosen are individually designed for all projects minimizing TOTEX and ensure high security for the grid to absorb the biomethane production, e.g. In low demand season (in summer season). The technical solutions also require implementing new kind of technologies (e.g. small compressors and deodorisation plants)
In the biogas network in Twente, 'raw' biogas will be transported from producers to a reprocessing plant, where it will be upgraded to green gas. Cogas and Gasunie New Energy are developing the biogas network in Twente in a joint venture.
The project aims to make efficient biomass gasification applicable on an industrial scale. The installation will further investigate the MILENA, OLGA and ESME technologies developed by ECN and DRT. These technologies can convert biomass into renewable energy in the form of green gas with a very high efficiency (around seventy per cent) and without harmful environmental effects.
Biomethane has been connected from a farm in Cambridgeshire to the Gas National Transmission System (NTS) for the first time at the end of July 2020. Murrow Anaerobic Digestion Plant in Cambridgeshire operated by Biocow Ltd produces the renewable gas made from cattle manure and straw. The pipeline will support flows of up to 15,000 standard cubic metres per hour, enough for the annual gas consumption of 10 average households every hour.
The foundation brings together various parties, including Gasunie, with the aim of increasing the share of green gas in the Netherlands.
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