

Hydrogen can be produced by various process technologies. Hydrogen can be obtained from natural gas through a steam reforming process or a methane pyrolysis process; produced by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen via electrolysis or via gasification process, by converting solid fuel (coal or woody biomass) to hydrogen. Hydrogen can also by produced through anaerobic digestion, converting wet biomass to hydrogen. Hydrogen can be utilised directly as fuel or, depending on the application, blended with natural gas. 

Hydrogen production from RES-based electricity in power-to-gas facilities or from other fuels in combination with CCS contributes to the decarbonisation of the energy system.


Hydrogen pipeline

The hydrogen released from the Dow's factory is used as a feedstock for high-quality products of Yara through a existing Gasunie pipeline which has been prepared for hydrogen transport.

Visit the website (EN)

Enagás S.A.

SUN2HY (Sun to Hydrogen)

This project focuses on the development of a disruptive photoelectrochemical cell that will be used as a reactor for the direct transformation of solar into chemical energy. Innovative materials and new structures are used achieving a remarkable efficiency. This promising technological route allows the competitive industrial production of clean and storable fuels directly from sunlight and water. The project started in September of 2018 and will last for 2 years. The main partners leading the project are Repsol and Enagas.


National Grid Gas

Hydrogen in the NTS

National Grid are partnering with the Health & Safety Executive to undertake a technical evaluation of the capability of the UK’s National Transmission System (NTS) to transport hydrogen. This project will run up to Spring 2019 and will generate a deeper understanding of how introducing hydrogen will affect gas transmission assets physically; and of the standards required to facilitate hydrogen introduction. The project will also use the findings to evaluate potential UK sites which could demonstrate hydrogen introduction at scale, further advancing the UK’s green energy ambitions.




M/R Helle is a demonstration project to test and evaluate the consequences of hydrogen/natural gas mixtures in the gas infrastructure. Mixtures of hydrogen and natural gas will be circulated for two years. The purpose of the project is to find the constraints and to prepare for a possible future handling hydrogen/natural gas in the gas grid.


Gas Networks Ireland

ERVIA: Decarbonising Domestic Heating in Ireland (study)

Ervia, the parent company of Gas Networks Ireland, commissioned KPMG to develop and evaluate a number of scenarios for the decarbonisation of the one million Irish residential homes currently connected, or within close proximity, to the existing gas network.
